Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,
Let's face it, it doesn't matter what kind of marketing you do online, there's one thing you must have in abundance to succeed: great original content!
And not only do you need a lot of it; you need it on an ongoing basis because the search engines give preference to websites and blogs that are continually updated with fantastic and unique content.
Especially now with all of the changes going on at Google and the rest of the search engines, the sites that have original, high-quality content are the ones that still rank well, while those with duplicate, stale, low-quality content get pushed to the bottom of the heap.
Who am I to tell you this?
Let me introduce myself...
My name is David Bloom.
I have been a full time Internet marketer for over 15 years. I am not some guru. I'm just a regular guy who over that time has managed to build a multiple six figure a year income from home by slowly learning the ropes -- often painfully I might add.
In that time, I have built many websites, some blogs, have done press releases and article marketing, run multiple PPC campaigns, developed social networks and probably tried every traffic generating technique there is.
My point in telling you this is, in all of that time, there's been one common denominator to success in each of these online endeavors: high quality, unique content.
In fact, the one mistake I made was in the year 2005. My websites were doing so well, I decided to literally take almost the entire year off.
Although I still made plenty of passive income, my websites and blogs suffered in rankings because I was no longer putting out a constant stream of new, high quality content.
This is why, if you talk to anyone who is very successful at Internet marketing, they will tell you one thing repeatedly: content is king!
Which is why I saw the need to create Content Kingdom™.

David Bloom
Before you read any further, let me tell you right now that this isn't some new membership site with ongoing fees.
In fact, there is nothing for you to do other than read this page, see the value in what I'm saying, and then simply opt in to our free newsletter -- that is, assuming you are interested in getting inexpensive, yet high quality unique content with no hassles.
I'd like to explain why I felt this service was needed.
Right now, there are several ways to generate content:
1) You can use some type of software that randomly generates content for you.
This kind of stuff appeals to lazy people. Years ago, it used to work, but the search engines quickly got "smart" and this sort of software-generated content was radically eliminated by search engine algorithms. People who relied on it saw their online incomes collapse almost overnight.
2) You can write it yourself.
This is always a viable option, and I would never tell you otherwise. However, there are three slight potential problems: first, you may be a terrible writer; second, you may simply not have the time to do it; lastly, even if you can write well, you may want more content than you can produce just by yourself.
3) You can hire a freelance writer.
This is also a viable option, but easier said than done. Consider: you have to find a good freelance writer, which takes time; you must train them to write keyword optimized content; proofread their articles; hope it's not plagiarized material; and, lastly, negotiate a reasonable price; then, as a group, they tend to be fickle and disappear whenever they so choose. It's a challenge to say the least.
4) You can join a PLR (Private Label Rights) membership site.
These used to be hot years ago, but I was never a fan of them personally. Here's why. First, they charge you a monthly membership fee regardless if you use their given articles or not.
Second, every other member gets the same exact articles you get, which means you are left with the considerable job of having to literally re-write each article they give you.
Third, most of the articles will be useless to you because you won't even be involved in the niches the articles were written for.
The Content Kingdom™ Solution
Content Kingdom™ was created because, simply put, it eliminates the weaknesses of each of the methods described above.
How does Content Kingdom™ work?
Very simply: you opt in to our free newsletter.
Every week or so, we will send out a newsletter announcing that we are accepting new article orders. When you receive the newsletter, you can place an order for as many articles as you need and include the keywords/topics for each one. Once we have reached capacity, we will send out another newsletter closing the service. And so on.
We then have our trained freelance writers get to work creating unique, targeted, search engine optimized content just for you based on the keywords/topics you provide.
After the writers finish the articles, they send them back to us. We then carefully review the articles before sending them to you, at which point you can use them for whatever purpose you wish: adding content to your sites, blogs, submitting them to article directories, publishing them in newsletters...the sky is the limit.
Remember, once we email you your articles they are 100% yours. They are written specifically for you, and you become the owner. Your articles will not be used by us or anyone else. It's as if they were written by you!
What about other kinds of content?
Whatever your content needs, we can satisfy them. In addition to keyword optimized articles, we offer on-site content such as home/landing pages, blog posts, newsletters, product reviews, descriptions, disclaimers and more.
We also provide ebooks, press releases, social media, white paper and any other off-site content you need. Whether it's just a few sentence description or a 1500 word article, our highly-skilled writers can take care of it for you.
Need proofreading, website analysis, SEO or marketing advice? Yep, our experts can help you with that as well.
Basically, we have created a one-stop destination for any and all content needs with the most competitive rates you will find online. Chances are we can provide what you are looking for at a lower price than you will find elsewhere, with the added bonus of internet marketing experts making sure your content is as good as it can possibly be.
Here are just a few testimonials from satisfied subscribers...